
Eric Gorton

Thank you for visiting my website. I am a professional communicator with more than 15 years newspaper journalism experience, and more than 20 years experience in public relations/media relations and website consulting and development.

I enjoy taking photos, especially scenery, as well as photos to go with stories or press releases I write. I have dabbled in shooting and editing videos, mostly for fun and to put on my YouTube channel. I have created a few videos over the years to go with my work, including this one that accompanied this story I wrote for The Harrisonburg Citizen about some avid birders who were participating in the Christmas Bird Count in December 2022.

I have been a member of the Public Relations Council of the Shenandoah Valley since 2000, except for about two years, and have served as president and treasurer at various times. In 2022, I became an at-large board member of the College Communicators Association of Virginia and Washington, D.C.

More information about my professional experience and educational background is listed on my resume and can also be found on my LinkedIn profile.

Other interests/hobbies include bicycle riding, bowling and writing fiction.

I started ericgorton.com in 2018 and built it in a content management system I created using PHP and MySQL. In 2023 I decided to move it into WordPress, which is more secure and a little easier to maintain. I also changed the focus of the website from promoting my CMS to promoting my overall professional experience and other interests.